About The Ganser Company of Madison, WI

Inform, Brainstorm, Transform

The staff at The Ganser Company are experts in complete exterior remodeling and maintenance – from the curb to the chimney cap.

Since 1939, we have been satisfying customers by following a simple, but dynamic formula. Inform, Brainstorm, Transform. The process is simply navigating through your ideas and turning them into tangible dreams.

  • Inform – A satisfied customer begins with information about options, products and materials and how they relate to the customer’s individual situation. We take the time to learn about the vision our customers have and provide the information needed to begin the process of planning.
  • Brainstorm – Once informed, formulating the perfect solution begins with creating a wide array of viable, executable options. We excel in combining our expedience, product knowledge and your goals to create the outcome you want.   
  • Transform – Time tested practices allow us to make your dreams come true. Four generations of experience, spanning seven decades has produced skilled craftsmen committed to satisfying customers.

The Ganser Philosophy

We are committed to taking our God-given talents, raw building materials, and time-proven, systemized procedures, to hand craft exteriors that will be sold at a fair price to enhance our customer’s quality of life. In turn, the fruits of these labors will provide for our families and guarantee future business.

Quality Products / Professional Practices

In every phase of our business, we use only the highest quality products such as the Marvin Infinity Fiberglass Windows. The combination of performance and durability contributes to customer satisfaction.

Professional experience in exterior design and color consultation can have a significant impact on the final outcome of a project. Additionally, our use of thermal imaging for inspecting a structure’s energy efficiency can influence every aspect of your plan.

Industry & State Memberships & Certifications: Oldest member of Madison Area Builders Association (MABA), National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau, GAF Master Elite Contractor, Better Business Bureau, Lead Safe Certified Contractors

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